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MimiSDK 6 Migration Guide

This document outlines the various changes required to migrate to MimiSDK 6 from a previous 5.x.x version of MimiSDK.

MimiSDK 6 introduces several API-breaking changes to be aware of.

What is new

The following section describes all changes that are considered breaking API, removal of previously deprecated functionality or significant behavioral changes.

Renaming of MimiSDK Android resources to use mimi_ prefix

In order to avoid namespace clashes between the Android resources (layouts, drawables etc) defined by the MimiSDK and host applications, the MimiSDK now follows best practices and prefixes its internal resources with mimi_.

This renaming will impact host applications if you were previously using MimiSDK resources.

We would also like to clarify our position on the use of these resources by host applications -
while these resources are still publicly visible in the MimiSDK 6.0.0 release, they should not be considered as public API for host applications;
they are only for internal MimiSDK use only and may be changed or removed without notice.

The exception to this is the Theme.Mimi theme and its components, which are considered public API and will continue to be supported.

If your application is affected by this renaming change, there are two main options: - Define your own instance of the resource and maintain it within your application's codebase. - Use the renamed resource and accept the risk of potential breaking changes in future releases.

Color changes and new Branding

The color of the text on the Header (Toolbar/ActionBar) is now defined by mimiSecondaryForegroundColorNormal instead of mimiPrimaryTintColorNormal. The color of the headphone disconnected icon is defined by mimiPrimaryTintColorNormal. The color of the personalization Earprint artwork is defined by mimiEarPrintLineColor. The color of the "Already have a Mimi account?" TextView is now defined by mimiPrimaryTintColorNormal.