
MimiCore instance provides the global access point to use MimiCoreServices.


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Whether collection of MSDK usage data is enabled for Mimi.

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open override val configuration: MimiConfiguration

Mimi configuration

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open override val groupController: GroupController

Group Controller class offering all the methods related with Group Personalization

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Personalization Controller class in charge of loading Mimi presets from the backend

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Processing Controller class acting as a middle man between all the different controllers and the processing handler, which is ultimately the final responsible for the processing

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open override val testsController: TestsController

User Controller class in charge of handling changes and operations related to the Mimi User object and its current authentication session

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open override val userController: UserController

Tests Controller class offering all the methods related with Hearing Test handling


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open override fun analytics(secret: String): AnalyticsService

Internal Analytics Service used by Mimi to collect MSDK usage data

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open override fun dispose()

Call dispose to ensure that all resources are properly disposed (e.g. canceling pending network requests).

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open override fun setMimiEventsListener(mimiEvents: MimiEvents)

Sets the MimiEvents interface implementation necessary to listen to Mimi SDK related events

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open override fun start(context: Context, clientId: String, clientSecret: String, configuration: MimiConfiguration)

Set up MimiCore for use with your client.