Package io.mimi.sdk.ux.flow


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class ButtonFooterSection(view: View) : FooterSection

A FooterSection with a button whose purpose is usually to navigate to the following step.

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class Event<out T>(content: T)
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class EventBus<T>

Class to wrap the Events needed for navigating between screens

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data class Flow(val steps: List<Step>)

An A -> B flow that contains a list of Step in the order that the flow is intended to execute.

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class FlowCoordinator

FlowCoordinator is responsible for coordinating the navigation_profile inside a Flow. It will step back and forth in Flow and dequeue the current Step. The current StepFragment is passed to the fragmentManager so the Step is in control of that fragment.

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object FlowCoordinatorFactory

Class that contains all the creation/initialization methods for the FlowCoordinator

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interface FlowListener

Informs its clients about progress of FlowCoordinator in Flow

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sealed class FlowLocation

The location of a Step in a Flow.

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enum NavigationEvent : Enum<NavigationEvent>

Class used to identify the possible flows for Navigation Events

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class NavigationEventViewModel : ViewModel

Class used to handle Navigation Events

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open class SimpleStep(data: SimpleStepData) : Step
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data class SimpleStepData(    val toolbarData: ToolbarData? = null,     val headerText: String = "",     val footerText: String = "",     val showHeader: Boolean = true,     val footerButtonOnTap: () -> FlowLocation? = { FlowLocation.Next })

Class containing the data to be displayed on each Screen Step

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abstract class Step(val toolbarData: ToolbarData? = null) : CoroutineScope

Base controller that controls the fragment of a Step. It is a controller in the context of the MVC architectural pattern. This controller is responsible for populating the fragment with the sections HeaderSection, ContentSection and FooterSection.

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class TitleHeaderSection(view: View) : HeaderSection

Displays the title headline, if any, of a Step.

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data class ToolbarData(    val title: String = "",     val isUpButtonVisible: Boolean = false,     var isTitleVisible: Boolean = true)

Class containing Toolbar data from the Step


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fun <T> LiveData<Event<T>>.observeEventNotHandled(owner: LifecycleOwner, observer: (T) -> Unit)

Utility method to ease the process of unhandled Events