Package io.mimi.sdk.core


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data class DispatcherProvider(    val Main: CoroutineDispatcher = Dispatchers.Main,     val IO: CoroutineDispatcher = Dispatchers.IO,     val Default: CoroutineDispatcher = Dispatchers.Default)

Convenience class to choose the type Coroutine context

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data class MimiConfiguration(    val allowRemoteDeviceAuthorization: Boolean = false,     val allowAnonymousUserOnly: Boolean = false,     val mimiPersonalizationConfiguration: MimiPersonalizationConfiguration = MimiPersonalizationConfiguration(),     val mimiOnboardingConfiguration: MimiOnboardingConfiguration = MimiOnboardingConfiguration())

Object which can be used to configure and customize various Mimi features and functionality.

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object MimiCore : MimiCoreServices

MimiCore instance provides the global access point to use MimiCoreServices.

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sealed class MimiCoreException : Exception

Raised on any errors that occur within the core module.

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interface MimiCoreServices

Definition of the MimiCore main public API; providing access to key functionality such as authentication, personalization and test management. It handles all aspects of communication with the Mimi API, providing a robust framework that can be used to integrate an app into the Mimi eco-system.

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interface MimiEvents

Interface containing callback methods regarding internal events triggered by the mSDK

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data class MimiOnboardingConfiguration(val showProfileOnboardingIntroduction: Boolean = true)

Used to define the configuration of the Mimi Profile onboarding functionality.

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data class MimiPersonalizationConfiguration(val showSampleSoundPlayerInProfile: Boolean = true)

Used to define the configuration of the Mimi Profile personalization functionality.

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data class OAuth2Error(val error: String, val error_description: String)

Wrapper for OAuth2 compliant errors

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data class ServerError(    val statusCode: Int,     val error: String?,     val message: String)

Wrapper class for errors returned by the backend.


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fun DeviceAuthorizationRequest.createQrCode(    width: Int,     height: Int,     contrastLow: Int? = null,     contrastHigh: Int? = null): Bitmap
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fun doNothing()
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fun CoroutineScope.launchHandled(block: suspend () -> Unit): Job

A launch Coroutine Builder that handles MimiCoreException


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const val EMAIL_ALREADY_IN_USE: Int = 422

Server code for email already in use error.

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val moshi: Moshi