An interface defining access to a user and authentication mechanism.
Important: This interface is not stable for inheritance, as new methods may be added, but is stable for use.
Approve a DeviceAuthorizationRequest by its user code with the current user credentials.
Attempts to authenticate a MimiUser through various different ways by specifying a MimiAuthRoute
Logs out the currently authenticated user and updates the UserController.mimiUser.
Attempt to fetch and return the most updated state of the Mimi User from the backend, updating the UserController.mimiUser.
Triggers a device authorization request. The result can be used to poll for a token with authenticate.
Triggers the sending of a MimiUser password reset request to the backend.
Revoke consent for hearing assessments - this will disassociate the existing hearing tests from the user.
Submits the new nickname to the backend and returns the updated MimiUser
Submits the new year of birth to the backend and returns the updated MimiUser
Returns the url needed to access to the user's account portal
A MimiObservable exposing the current MimiUser.