
open class SimpleStep(data: SimpleStepData) : Step


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constructor(data: SimpleStepData)


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open val backButtonOverride: () -> Unit? = null
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Bundle object used to share information between Steps.

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open val contentSectionCls: KClass<out Section>? = null
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open override val footerSectionCls: KClass<out Section>?
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open override val headerSectionCls: KClass<out Section>?
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open fun canGoBack(): Boolean
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open fun getMenuResource(): Int

Used to provide the menu resource that will be displayed in the toolbar for this step. By default, no menu is displayed.

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open override fun onCreate(activity: Activity, header: Section?, content: Section?, footer: Section?)

Base Lifecycle onCreate method called by the StepFragment

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open fun onDestroy()

Base Lifecycle onDestroyed method called by the StepFragment

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open fun onFragmentCreated(fragment: Fragment)

Base Lifecycle onFragmentCreated method called by the StepFragment

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Called when an item was selected.

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open fun onPause()

Base Lifecycle onPause method called by the StepFragment

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open fun onRequestPermissionsResult(requestCode: Int, permissions: Array<out String>, grantResults: IntArray)
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open fun onResume()

Base Lifecycle onResume method called by the StepFragment

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open override fun toString(): String