
data class MimiProfilePersonalizationConfiguration(val showSampleSoundPlayerInProfile: Boolean = true, val uiControlDebounceBehavior: UiControlDebounceBehavior = None)

Used to define the configuration of the Mimi Profile personalization functionality.

You may use this class to control the visibility of the media player view inside the Mimi Profile, and to set the debounce behavior of the UI controls.



10.0.0 (previously named MimiPersonalizationConfiguration)


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constructor(showSampleSoundPlayerInProfile: Boolean = true, uiControlDebounceBehavior: UiControlDebounceBehavior = None)


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Whether to show media player view inside Mimi Profile. Disabling this will disable UI view for media player in the Mimi Profile.

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The debounce behavior applied to the UI controls in the Mimi Sound Personalization section.