Package-level declarations


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class ActivityIndicator(val imageView: LottieAnimationView, @RawRes runningResId: Int = R.raw.mimi_lot_load, @RawRes successResId: Int = R.raw.mimi_lot_check, @RawRes failureResId: Int = R.raw.mimi_lot_cross)

Takes an ImageView and animates the corresponding vector drawable for the current State.

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object BrowserTab
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class TextWatcherAdapter(afterChanged: (Editable) -> Unit) : TextWatcher

Convenience class used to apply changes upon edit text change

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class Throttler(interval: Int = 1000)

Convenience class to restrict the execution of an invoked action until a certain interval of time hasn't been elapsed

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object UiUtils

Convenience class for UI related methods

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class WeakRef<T>(initial: T? = null)

Convenience class to be used when in need for a weak reference to an object


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val Int.dp: Int
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val Int.px: Int


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Sets the theme to the current activity

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Convenience method that resolves a given attribute resource into a color resource

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fun intentWithTheme(activity: Activity, cls: KClass<out Any>): Intent

Creates and returns an intent to the specified themed activity

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fun BottomSheetDialog.makeContentFullyDisplayed()

Force the Bottom Dialog have same high as its content

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fun openBrowser(context: Context, url: String)

Opens the device browser with the specified context and url

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fun Context.openDefaultEmailApp(onSuccess: () -> Unit? = null)

Opens the default email app

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fun openEmail(ctx: Context, mailto: String, subject: String, body: String)

Opens the default email client with the specified fields already filled

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Convenience method that resolves a given attribute resource into a resource id

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