Package-level declarations


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class HeadphoneApplicator @MsdkInternalApi constructor(val isAbsoluteVolumeSupported: suspend () -> IsAbsoluteVolumeSupportedResponse, val sendHearingTestStartCommand: suspend () -> SendHearingTestStartCommandResponse, val sendHearingTestEndCommand: suspend () -> SendHearingTestEndCommandResponse)

Facilitates interaction with the connected headphone.

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class HeadphoneApplicatorConfiguration(val onIsAbsoluteVolumeSupported: suspend () -> IsAbsoluteVolumeSupportedResponse, val onSendHearingTestStartCommand: suspend () -> SendHearingTestStartCommandResponse, val onSendHearingTestEndCommand: suspend () -> SendHearingTestEndCommandResponse)

Represents the configuration supplied for adjusting the volume during a hearing test.

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Receives notifications from the connected headphone, as triggered by partner apps.

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data class IsAbsoluteVolumeSupportedResponse(val isAbsoluteVolumeSupported: Boolean)

Represents the response to a request to determine whether the connected headphone supports Bluetooth Absolute Volume.

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class MimiConnectedHeadphone @MsdkInternalApi constructor(val headphoneIdentifier: MimiHeadphoneIdentifier, val notificationReceiver: HeadphoneNotificationReceiver, applicator: HeadphoneApplicator?)

Represents a connected, Mimi-capable headphone.

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data class SendHearingTestEndCommandResponse(val headphoneVolume: Int)

Represents the response to a request to send a command to the connected headphone to end the hearing test volume adjustment sequence.

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data class SendHearingTestStartCommandResponse(val headphoneVolume: Int)

Represents the response to a request to send a command to the connected headphone to start the hearing test volume adjustment sequence.