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The Mimi Profile Fragment (io.mimi.sdk.profile.MimiProfileFragment) is the MSDK UI entry-point which provides features for users to onboard and personalize their sound. In addition, login and signup options are also provided, allowing users to load their previously created Mimi data or save their current data with a Mimi account.

The simplest way to add MimiProfileFragment is via including in an XML layout.

        android:layout_gravity="center" />

You can also dynamically add a MimiProfileFragment instance to your layouts through the standard Android FragmentManager mechanism.


Once you have integrated the UI components, you need to setup the Mimi theme. This is important because without setting it up, your app will crash when attempting to inflate the Mimi UI components.

Now navigate to AndroidManifest.xml and check your <application> tag. Usually there is a theme already defined. Let's assume it is called AppTheme.

    android:theme="@style/AppTheme" >

Now navigate to where AppTheme is defined (should be in styles.xml or theme.xml file under res) and replace value for parent with Theme.Mimi

<style name="AppTheme" parent="Theme.Mimi">

Now, run your app. Everything should be functional.

Read core docs for Theming